9. November 2024
1:33 pm to 8:33 pm
Alexandra & Nadine's Myth
& many gongs
Location: ÜBUNGSSCHEUNE, Berlin Zehlendorf
Are you ready for a new path - your path?
Would you like to find strength and inspiration for your path in a group of like-minded people?
Is something calling you and you don’t know what?
Do you need courage for your next step?
Are you stuck and want to move on?
We invite you to a magical day - a whole day for you and your path.
You will receive from us:
Truthfulness, depth, a laugh, joy, delicious food, strength, inspiration, sparks of fire
as well as an invigorated body, a fulfilled mind and a satiated soul.
Valuable surprises that you can take home.
Get ready for a life-changing day full of magic that will take you to the next level!
Your contribution: 333€ you - 444€ you & companion
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